A circular cricket field of diameter 140m, has 4 circular sit-outs of 5m radius which do not have grass. Calculate the area that has grass in the field.( π = 3.142 )

A: 15394.6

B: 314.2

C: 78.55

D: 15081.6

Correct Answer : D

Find the area of the circular cricket field:

Diameter = 140m

Radius = 140 /2 = 70m

A = π r2

A = 3.142 * 70 * 70

Area of the cricket field  = 15395.8 m2

Area of One Sit-out

Radius (r) of each sit-out = 5 m

Area of one sit-out

 A = π r2

A = 3.142 *5 *5

A = 78.55m2

Area of Four sit-outs = area of one sit-out * 4

A = 78.55 * 4

A =  314.2m2

Area of the grass in the field

A = area of the cricket field – area of the four sit-outs

A = (15395.8 – 314.2) m2

A = 15081.6 m2

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